mentorpublicschools 2024 0815 - Flipbook - Page 2
A Message from the Superintendent:
Celebrating a Great
School year
ello! I hope this edition of
the ComMentor newsletter
finds you and your family doing well and enjoying the last days of
summertime! The 2023-2024 school
year was another great one for Mentor
Schools, and I would like to thank so
many of you for your continued support of our students, staff and schools.
Our team remained busy this summer
gearing up for the 2024-2025 school
year, and we’re excited to be welcoming students back to class!
Our team is dedicated to our mission of inspiring students today to
reach their potential tomorrow. One
of the best parts of my job is getting
out and about to all of our schools to
see firsthand all of the amazing work
our students and staff accomplish on a
daily basis. Again, this past year, when
I walked around our schools, I saw engaged students enjoying learning.
In Mentor Schools, we take great
pride in not only providing a high-quality education, but a well-rounded one
also. We teach the curriculum standards set by the state, but it is our job
to be innovative in how we approach
teaching and learning to ensure students achieve at their highest potential. The core subjects of English, Math,
Science and Social Studies are always a
Mentor Public Schools
top focus for us, but our team works
hard to develop new pathways for students to achieve success.
Right now, we are in the middle of
revamping our district’s strategic plan
with an abundance of community input, and we look forward to sharing
the updates with our community very
soon. You can read more about that
process in this newsletter as well.
We continue to work hard to make
sure Mentor Schools is a good return
on your investment by providing a
high-quality education in a fiscally prudent manner. Earning a 4.5-star rating
from the State on our latest report card
while keeping taxes the third lowest in
Lake County is evidence of that effort.
We’ve strived to make this edition of the
ComMentor more interactive, so I hope
you will please use the QR codes on the
various pages to find more information
and videos sharing the story of Mentor
Public Schools. The first day of school
for the 2024-2025 year is Aug. 20, and
we’re looking forward to another exciting year ahead. Thank you for your
continued support of our students, staff,
and schools!
Ode to Mentor Public Schools
By: AJ Zeman
Mentor Public Schools, all the things you do,
We read books, become cooks,
learn about cells, or play the bells.
You teach us math as we unfold our path,
we write a biography and learn geography,
we shine when we design, and we paint with no restraint.
We make new friends with relationships that never end,
recess time is our prime, having fun when we run in the sun,
eating lunch all in a bunch.
As our brain is growing and our knowledge is showing,
we take a test and try our best,
As we’re arriving and thriving on a bus with no fuss,
we make the memories last as we know it goes fast.
The teachers work hard to help us learn
and in the end a diploma we will earn.
Story Walks are for Everyone!
Mentor Schools Kindness Rally
Walk to School Day