BEYOND THE BOARDROOMCredit: Tourism PEI / Stephen HarrisAnne of Green GablesInterested in having Anne of Green Gables make an appearance at your next meeting? We canhelp arrange that! The legacy of Anne is a beloved part of PEI culture, and incorporating Anneexperiences into your event adds a unique, memorable touch. Whether through a characterappearance or a visit to iconic locations like Green Gables, Anne’s timeless charm offersattendees a chance to connect with the spirit of the Island in a fun and engaging way.CLICK TO ACCESS OUR ANNE OF GREEN GABLES EXPERIENCE PARTNERSCeilidhs & Kitchen PartiesAcross the Island, communities warmlywelcome both visitors and locals toexperience the lively atmosphere of a classicIsland ceilidh. With our many music partners,we can help turn your event into a traditionalPEI Kitchen Party, complete with live music,storytelling, and Island hospitality.Cei·lidh: A Gaelic word pronounced kay-leeCeilidhs provide a laid-back setting, often in acommunity hall. Settle in, and tap your toes!CLICK TO ACCESS OUR MUSIC PARTNERSPEI Kitchen PartiesCredit: Rachel PetersSUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES STARTER PACKPAGE 24
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