IT’S A PEITraditionEveryone’s an Islander!On Prince Edward Island, tradition runs deep,weaving together a sense of community whereeveryone feels like family. From the iconic PEIlobster suppers, where locals and visitors alikegather to enjoy fresh seafood and warmhospitality, to lively kitchen parties filled withmusic, laughter, and stories, the Island's spirit oftogetherness shines through.PEI Lobster SuppersPEI’s lobster suppers offer an unforgettablegroup dining experience, perfect for conferencedelegates. These feasts, served by long-standingpartners like New Glasgow Lobster Suppers,Lobster on the Wharf, and Fisherman’s Wharf,provide not just the freshest local lobster butalso a chance to immerse attendees in PEI’s richculinary tradition and warm hospitality. It's anideal way to create lasting memories whileshowcasing the authentic Island experience.CLICK TO ACCESS OUR PARTNERS OFFERINGTRADITIONAL PEI LOBSTER SUPPERSCredit: Tourism PEI / Stephen DesRochesLobster on the WharfCredit: PBL Photography
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