231FishermanSail out of Souris harbour toenjoy a 2-hour music and danceexperience along PEI's red cliffs,immersing yourself in traditionalmusic and the fishing industry.CLICK TO LEARN MORE2 Tranquility CoveAdventuresAn unforgettable PEI adventurefeaturing activities like clamdigging, deep sea fishing,beach-combing, and fresh PEIseafood, all tailored to yourgroup!CLICK TO LEARN MOREBEYOND THE BOARDROOM1 FiddlingCredit: Heather Ogg2Credit: Rachel PetersCredit: Rachel Peters43 RideSolarEnjoy sustainable tours andtransit in solar-powered vehicleswhile savouring local food, craftbeer, wine, and beautiful sightsin downtown Charlottetown.CLICK TO LEARN MORE4 Red ShoresRacetrack & CasinoRed Shores offers PEI's premierdestination for gaming, harnessracing, dining, and entertainmentwith poker, slots, roulette, andmore!Credit: Tourism PEI / Stephen DesRoches5CLICK TO LEARN MORE5 ExperienceLennox IslandExperience Lennox Island offersauthentic Mi’kmaq workshopssuch as drum-making andMi’kmaq quill art, providingvisitors a deep immersion intothe island's rich heritage andindigenous community.CLICK TO LEARN MORECredit: Tourism PEI/Berni WoodSUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES STARTER PACKPAGE 22
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