CANADA’SFood IslandStand-Out Cuisine & CommunityWhile Prince Edward Island might be the smallest province in our nation, it proudly holds thedistinction of being Canada's Food Island. Our reputation for fresh ingredients such as lobster,oysters, mussels, beef, and potatoes precedes us globally, but the true standout is ourcommunity. Our little Island is filled with farmers, fishermen, chefs, culinary innovators, andgenerations of food enthusiasts dedicated to cultivating, crafting, and spreading the finest foodand beverages.Credit: Brady McCloskeyCladdagh Oyster HouseOn-Site CateringMany of our meeting venue partners offer on-site catering for yourconvenience! Whether you're hosting a small team gathering or alarge corporate event, you can delight in a variety of deliciousoptions brought directly to your meeting room. Enjoy a seamlessexperience as you focus on your agenda, knowing that fresh mealsand snacks are just a moment away.CLICK TO ACCESS OUR ON-SITE CATERING PARTNERSOff-Site DiningPrefer to treat your delegates to an off-site dinner? Our on-sitedining partners offer a range of exceptional options to suit anyoccasion. Choose from private rooms for an intimate setting,restaurant buyouts for exclusive events, or small reservations for amore casual experience. No matter the size or style of yourgathering, there is something for everyone.CLICK TO ACCESS OUR DINING PARTNERSCredit: Rachel PetersThe Dunes Studio Gallery and CaféCredit: Rachel PetersVicinato Ristorante
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