JOIN THE TEAMTHAT DELIVERS.LOOKING AFTER YOUR TEAMWe are Australia’s fastest growing independently owned healthcare supplies provider.We aim to provide customers with a reliable supply partner who always puts service 昀椀rst.Consistently delivering excellent service partnered with 昀氀exibility, reliability, and trust.Our team looking after your team.Industry leadingCustomer ServiceExtensive product range- over 15,000 productsHighly experiencedSales TeamUser friendly onlineordering systemDelivering fromsix warehousesacross AustraliaCompetitive pricingon quality productsFast and reliabledeliveryExperts in cold chainvaccine storage anddeliveryTemperaturecontrolledwarehousesChoose Team Medical for all of your medical equipment, consumables, pharmaceuticalsand vaccines.GET IN TOUCH:Phone: 1300 22 44 50Email:
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