PLASTIC &RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERYPSYCHIATRYDowd MichaelAnis SamehSuite 101A, 68 Derby St,Kingswood 2747Ph: 4737 3393 I Fax: 4737 341421 Colless St, Penrith 2750Ph: 4722 2217 I Fax: 4722 9994Hayward Peter142 Bringelly Rd, Kingswood 2747Ph: 4736 6567 I Fax: 4736 65655/34 Woodri昀昀 St, Penrith 2750Ph: 4722 8172 I Fax: 4786 1296Kumar RohitAnwar NadeemBertucen Je昀昀510-536 High St, Penrith 2750Ph: 1300 267 726 I Fax: 9572 7726177 Grose Vale Rd,North Richmond 2758Ph: 4570 6200 I Fax: 4570 6266Papadopoulos TimBetts Charles318 High St, Penrith 2750Ph: 4731 1222 I Fax: 4731 1024177 Grose Vale Rd,North Richmond 2758Ph: 4570 6200 I Fax: 4570 6266DR ANGELO PREKETESM.B.,B.S. (Syd), F.R.A.C.SMember of the Australian Society of Plastic SurgeonsSpecialist Plastic, Reconstructive,Hand & Aesthetic SurgeonMember of Australasian Societyof Aesthetic Plastic SurgeonsMED 000114572430 Derby Street, Kingswood NSW 2747Email: 4761 0355Bhavanishankar Ramakrishna169 Jamison Rd, Penrith 2750Ph: 4731 6516 I Fax: 4731 6226Brakoulias Vlasios177 Grose Vale Rd,North Richmond 2758Ph: 4570 6200 I Fax: 4570 6266Dwyer Alice177 Grose Vale Rd,North Richmond 2758Ph: 4570 6200 I Fax: 4570 6266Sathasivam SivaJabeen Tahira22 Derby St, Kingswood 2747Ph: 1300 377 482 I Fax: 9475 540539 Orth St, Kingswood 2747Ph: 8123 6704Jovanova Gordana177 Grose Vale Rd,North Richmond 2758Ph: 4570 6200 I Fax: 4570 6266Madugula Anjaiah26 Higgins St, Penrith 2750Ph: 4732 3944 I Fax: 4721 3497Psychiatry continued over36
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