Orthopaedic Surgery continuedDR KE HUANGMBBS, FRACS, FAOrthAShoulder & Knee Reconstruction,Arthroscopy, Replacement.Kingswood: Suite 203, Somerset Specialist Centre,28 Somerset St, Kingswood NSW 2747North Parramatta: Suite 2, 5-7 Ross St.,North Parramatta NSW 2150Bella Vista: Suite G5B Norwest Medical Centre,9 Norbrik Dr., Bella Vista NSW 2153HOSPITALS: Nepean Public, Nepean PrivateDR WARREN KUOMBBS FRACS FAOAOrthopaedic SurgeonShoulder & Knee Reconstruction42 Derby Street, Kingswood NSW 2747All correspondence to:PO Box 217, Kingswood NSW 2747E: info@orthokuo.comW: www.orthokuo.comPh: 4732 4557 | Fax: 4732 6856Ph: 8840 9938 | Fax: 8677 3836Lee MinjaeKhatib Yasser2 Hope St, Penrith 2750Ph: 4721 4434 I Fax: 4721 5361See advertisement on page 332860A Derby St, Kingswood 2747Ph: 1300 437 533 I Fax: 8074 1796See advertisement on this page
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