32 CASTLEREAGH STREET, PENRITHLOOKING TO MOVE TO A NEWMEDICAL PREMISES?AVAILABLE MID 2024Beautiful heritage building witharchitecturally designed medicalpremises in Castlereagh Street, Penrith•••Convenient for your patientsConvenient for your sta昀昀Convenient to Nepean Hospitaland local private hospitals just 5 minutes away.All brand new, the premises o昀昀ers:• 4 spacious consulting rooms• 3 procedure rooms• Waiting room• Sta昀昀 room• Sterilising room• O昀昀street parking a tremendous asset• Laundry areaIdeally located in the central Penrith’s Medical Precinct.All inquiries from individual doctors and group practices are very welcome.Contact us early and discuss your speci昀椀c needs during the construction phase.Run your medical practice from a marvellous location.All inquiries: Gavin Shatford M: 0477 709 542 E: info@shatfordcommercial.com.au
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