2024 Medlinks Directory FINAL WEB - Flipbook - Page 16
BMBS (hons) Flinders, FRACS
Breast (Oncological & Oncoplastic),
Endocrine (Thyroid/Parathyroid/Adrenal)
& General Surgeon
Clinical Associate Professor,
University of Sydney
Nepean Public, Nepean Private, Norwest Private, Sydney Adventist
1. Suite 204, Level 2, Nepean Health Hub,
13 Barber Avenue, Kingswood NSW 2747
2. 41 March Street, Richmond NSW 2753
3. Suite G3B, Ground Floor, Norwest Private Hospital,
9 Norbrik Drive, Bella Vista NSW 2153
4. SAN Clinic, Suite 404, Level 4, Sydney Adventist Hospital,
185 Fox Valley Rd, Wahroonga, NSW 2076
For all bookings and inquiries:
Phone: 1800 633 885 Fax: 8088 6901 Email: dredirimanne@gmail.com
General Surgery continued
Rawof Nada
Kwon Sebastianus
Suite 17/20-22 Castlereagh St,
Penrith 2750
Ph: 9199 8040 I Fax: 8079 6654
102 Sta昀昀ord St, Penrith 2750
Ph: 1800 001 497 I Fax: 1800 002 497
See advertisement on page 15
Liem Han
207/68 Derby St, Kingswood 2747
Ph: 4722 9880 I Fax: 4731 3102
Lin Martin
40 Macquarie St, Windsor 2750
Ph: 8824 9685 I Fax: 4577 7774
Macdermid Ewan
Nepean Private Hospital,
Barber Ave, Kingswood 2747
Ph: 7252 2842 I Fax: 8322 8034
M.B., B.S. (Adelaide), FRACS
Upper GI Surgery, General Surgery,
Laparoscopic Surgery, Endoscopy & ERCP
HOSPITALS: Nepean,Nepean Private,Blacktown,
Blue Mountains,Norwest Private,Mount Druitt
Suite 4, Nepean Private Specialist Centre,
1A Barber Avenue, Kingswood
Suite C202, Norwest Private Medical Centre,
9 Norbrik Drive, Bella Vista
Email: surgery.mr@gmail.com
Ph: 4721 1256 | Fax: 4721 1473
Peach Ronald
112/68 Derby St, Kingswood 2747
Ph: 4711 3009
General Surgery continued over