BC’S TOP EMPLOYERS (2025)81SPONSOR CONTENT7employee resource groupstotalling 350 members“We’re building diversepipelines to hire for the peoplewe serve and are strengtheningrelationships with communitypartners to gain insights intoequity-deserving groups.”Hernandez’s role as co-lead ofthe enterprise’s Pride and Alliesemployee resource group (ERG)gives him a front-row seat to howthe organization prioritizes equityand inclusion and backs the talkwith action.“I’m proud of the advocacyefforts led by the ERG to supportand uplift the 2SLGBTQIA+community,” Hernandez says.Hernandez expresses gratitudefor the supportive and inclusiveculture across the enterprise,saying, “A culture of safety exists– you can express yourself. I feelvalued as a person, not just an employee, and instead of just goingto work, I feel part of somethingbigger.” $7weeks, maximum vacationallowance4,000mental health practitionerbenefit47%of executives identify aswomenIMAGE 2 GOES HERE!remove this text box. The TransLink enterprise recognizes the importance of diversity, prioritizing building a workforce that isreflective of the community it serves.Joinourteam,ADD BANNER AD HERE!remove thiswe’retext box. hiring!translink.ca/careers
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