77SPONSOR CONTENT$1,000mental health practitionerbenefitof opportunities for people to gettogether and decompress.”For Young, those opportunitiesfor social connection are important for everyone at the school.“We have special celebrationsfor employees, and we do fun social stuff together,” he says. “We’relucky to have food services on site;it’s a real benefit. And the secondpart of that is nobody has to eattheir lunch in a cubicle – they’rein a vibrant lunch hall socializingand catching up with each other.”St. George’s School recentlyhired its first female deputyhead, part of a commitment toincreasing diversity within thestaff, faculty and leadership team.“There’s a real culture of alwayswanting to get better,” Young says.“It helps that people really buyinto the mission of the school.There are a lot of things that tie ustogether, and it makes for an all-inkind of culture.” 15weeks, compassionate/caregiver leave top-up pay$17,000+tuition discount for employees'childrenBC’S TOP EMPLOYERS (2025)6paid days off in addition tovacation entitlement Employees at St. George’s School benefit from the wide array of fitness facilities and social activities availableon site (photo credit: Hayley Lohn).www.stgeorges.bc.caBUILDING FINE YOUNG MEN.ONE BOY AT A TIME.
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