50SPONSOR CONTENTBC’S TOP EMPLOYERS (2025)GVFB employees innovate to improve food accessTwo and a half years haveflown by for Lisa Bui atthe Greater VancouverFood Bank (GVFB). “I’msurrounded by people dedicatedto the same mission,” says Bui,assistant manager of volunteerengagement. “I meet people from13 to 80, all working to makesure people can access fresh anddelicious food.”The GVFB provides assistanceto some 15,000 individuals monthly across Vancouver, Burnaby, NewWestminster and the North Shore.It also distributes food to a network of agency partners, includingsmall community food banks,daily snack and meal programs forshelters and community housing,school nutrition programs andmore.“Our employees share a senseof purpose, and they give backto the community,” says CorinaSomerville, director of humanresources. “Their well-being isimportant to us.”The food bank offers a numberof ways for employees to enhancetheir well-being. There is a wellness account employees can usefor a gym membership or runningshoes. The account is also therefor medical or dental fees thatare beyond what is covered in theextended health plan.“Our front-line employeeshave access to group therapysessions, or even one-on-onecounselling,” says Somerville. Theorganization’s employee assistanceprogram is free to all staff andtheir families. There is even aFriends of Nala fund, named forthe CEO’s dog, to help with vetbills.“In addition to benefits, we giveour employees control by allowingthem to book flexible hours ortime off,” says Somerville. “Andwe have fun together.”Working with the humanresources and volunteer programgroup is a joy for Bui. “We workso well together,” she says. “Everymonth we set aside time for teambuilding. We’ve done outdooryoga, and once we joined anotherdepartment to go kayaking.”Our employees share asense of purpose and theygive back to the community.Their well-being isimportant to us.— Corina SomervilleDirector of Human Resources The GVFB is dedicated to reducing food waste, working with local farmers to salvage their surplus food fordonation.The GVFB has a fund to investin employees’ professional growthand Bui has taken advantage ofthe fund to enrol in a leadershipprogram. A few colleagues havetaken the same course. “It helpsus build relationships and worktogether,” she says.A public speaking workshopoffered by the GVFB has also beenhelpful to Bui. “I never thoughtof myself doing public speaking,”she says. “But I’m doing that nowwhen I host volunteer orientationsor speak to corporate groups.”Bui finds there is a lot to talkabout, including the organization’sdedication to innovation. In aneffort to reduce food waste, theGVFB has begun to test dehydrating and freeze-drying food toextend shelf life. The organizationpartners with farmers to salvagetheir surplus food and provideseducation on how farmers can
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