BC's Top Employers (2025) Magazine - Flipbook - Page 16
BC Assessment invests in employee upskilling with generous tuition subsidies (to $7,500) and professional development opportunities for employees at all levels.
British Columbia’s economic strength and opportunity help
employers provide excellent programs for staff
Province’s employers score high in annual BC’s Top Employers competition
ith an economy built on
many solid footings, from
natural resources to
shipping, high-tech to
professional services, British Columbia
offers a wealth of opportunity to
Widespread competition among
businesses and the public service means
workers enjoy some of the best job
benefits in all of Canada — as the results
of the BC’s Top Employers (2025)
competition demonstrate.
“You see really strong, family-friendly
policies. You’ve got support for professional development and ongoing learning and
education, flexible health plans,
particularly for mental health, and you’ve
got community outreach and engagement
opportunities. Strong programs exist
across all of our selection criteria,” says
Kristina Leung, managing editor for both
the national Canada’s Top 100 Employers
and several regional competitions across
the country.
To secure a spot on the winners’ lists,
entrants must score well in several
categories, including: (1) Workplace; (2)
Work Atmosphere & Social; (3) Health,
Financial & Family Benefits; (4) Vacation &
Time Off; (5) Employee Communications;
(6) Performance Management; (7) Training
& Skills Development; and (8) Community
Richard Yerema, executive editor at
Canada’s Top 100 Employers, notes that 25