Brochure Fillers - Flipbook - Page 6
taking control of age - related anatomical changes
is most effective when supported by a smart combination
of sciences and technologies .
T h e r e f o r e , N e au v i a
has developed comprehensive
p r o t o c o l s t h a t c o m b i n e d i f f e r e nt r e s t o r a t i v e t h e r a p i e s
a n d g r a nt c l i n i ca l ly p r ov e n s u p e r i o r r e s u lt s 1 .
this has been possible thanks to both the specific properties
of neauvia peg - ha fillers and the in - house portfolio
of products developed to work synergistically with each
other and organically with the body .
Data on file comparing holistic protocols with monotherapy treatments within the products available in NEAUVIA portfolio.