W&W Irish Whiskey Brochure 08.22 (1) - Flipbook - Page 19
Long term strategy
Investors who are able to keep their whiskey casks
for longer than the average five years could see huge
increases in their initial investment.
30 years to
grow €3,000
to €300,000
While not all 27-year-old
casks will achieve this, it’s
an important marker for
just how much an aged
barrel can sell for. 30
Therefore, the six-figure
sale price points we are
highlighting today could
potentially be a lot more
30 years from now.
There have been recent
reports of record prices
achieved on rare whiskies.
At Whiskey & Wealth Club
we sell new-make spirit
(straight off the still) for
less than €3,000 a cask.
The concept of a long-term
strategy with the cask being
worth, say, €300,000 in
30 year’s time, is not as far
fetched as it may appear on
the surface. When taking
into consideration natural
inflation, the prices for
grain, manual labour and
other factors in the process
of production, a cask would
have cost less than €500
to produce 27 years ago.
97% of Irish whiskey sells
between the ages of three
and eight years old.
For example, a 12-year-old
ex-Bourbon cask with an
asking price of €75,000
was sold via Midleton’s cask
circle,30 as well as a 16-yearold cask for €320,000 (400
litres, which is double
the size of our casks, so
€160,000 by comparison).
“There are a lot of different influences here and
a lot of heritage, the family background was very
interesting. I’m quite a cautious investor but am
very interested by the prospects.” JENNIFER KEANY
Another example is
a 27-year-old 500-litre
Marsala cask which went
on sale for a colossal
price of €907,000.
Once whiskey passes the
eight-year mark, it can enter
a bidding war. New whiskey
brands that do not have
mature stock, but would like
to position themselves with
rare, quality whiskey from
the outset, must buy mature
whiskey from elsewhere.
These brands will often
pay a premium to have a few
thousand bottles of top shelf,
rare whiskey in their arsenal.