2022 PHILIPPINE RESPONSE - Report - Page 123
Tables A- III/1 and A-III/2 of Sections AIII/1 and A-III/2 of the STCW Code
require as methods for demonstrating
the above competences and assessing
the above KUPs ‘examination and
assessment of evidence obtained from
one or more of the following:
1. Marine diesel engine;
1) approved in-service experience;
2. Marine steam turbine;
2) approved training ship experience;
3. Marine gas turbine;
3) approved simulator training, where
4. Marine steam boiler’.
4) approved laboratory equipment
Table A-III/2 of Section A-III/2 of the
STCW Code under the competence
“Manage operation of electrical and
electronic control equipment” requires
the KUPs on ‘design features and
system configurations of automatic
control equipment and safety devices
for the following:
1. Main engine;
2. Generator and distribution system;
3. Steam boiler’.
However, the requirement of the
‘competency mapping’ to assess
some of the competences and KUP
items by theoretical methods, as well
as some of those by using either a
simulator or laboratory equipment, is
not consistent with the methods for
demonstrating those competences
required in Tables A-III/1 and A-III/2 of
Sections A-III/1 and A-III/2 of the
STCW Code mentioned above.
Table A-III/2 of Section A-III/2 of the
STCW Code under the competence
“Manage the operation of propulsion
plant machinery” requires KUP on
mechanism of the following machinery
and associated auxiliaries: