Azaghvana E-Book 2003 - Flipbook - Page 530
Vavanz daghile – the
word daghile means
bull, and it was ground
and added to the food of
the bull in order to
fatten him for the biannual bull festival (har
daghile). Some people
administered it as often
as twice monthly.
It is planted near
the house by
Dghweɗe and is
not owned by
ritual experts of
any specialist
Vavanz gulve – a skwe
(ritual treatment) for a
jaundice-like illness
called gulve to which
women and children are
considered vulnerable.
Charcoal and mahogany
oil is mixed with it and
applied to the body. If a
promised girl refuses to
marry she can attract
the illness.
A clan medicine
owned by the
lineage of Tatsa
(see Figure 8).
Vavanz gma – is used
to treat conjunctivitis.
Before the first morning
meal a sufferer goes to
where it grows. There
both arms are put
behind the back and the
person bends towards it
while opening both eyes
wide. This is repeated
three times.
Can be used by
Dghweɗe at his
or her own free
Vavanz mandatha – it
literally means 'to calm
things'. A floating type
was used by Ɗagha
diviners (Chapter 3.21).
The non-floating type
was considered ordinary
and was commonly
used to treat heartburn.
Apparently a
very common
variety of ritual
vavanza, but
there seem to
have been two
types. It remains
unclear whether
the floating type
was specifically
owned by
Ɗagha diviners.