Azaghvana E-Book 2003 - Flipbook - Page 18
Plate 11a: View from Korana Basa, across the valley and up to Ngoshe Sama in Gvoko 58
Plate 12a View of entrance area of DGB1 with Oupay massif in background, photographed
from DGB2, visible in the foreground at the bottom left 82
Plate 12b: View of ancient terrace wall at the bottom right – photographed from the bottom
of DGB1 and with the remains of DGB2 visible at the top left of the picture 82
Plate 13a: Hamman Yaji as a young man in Wanday (Strümpell 1912:87) 106
Plate 13b: Ghwa'a terracing still intact during my time (the photo was taken in 1998). 114
Plate 14: Junior rainmaker demonstrates his rainmaking ability. 231
Plate 15a: View over terrace fields of Ghwa'a from Durghwe, with house platforms visible
Plate 15b: Kla pana fields in the foreground (the valley of Kunde in the background) 251
Plate 15c: View of Kunde, with newly cultivated bushland (siye) in valley bottom 252
Plate 15d: Gathaghure in background with greener areas, which mark hamlet and infields 252
Plate 16a: Rope making by men in Dzga (1998) 258
Plate 16b: Women in Ghwa'a plant tigernuts (Cyperus esculentus). 258
Plate 17a: Charcoal from a sack 260
Plate 17b: Improvised oven with bellows 260
Plate 17c: Still smithing with stones 260
Plate 18a: Wurighe (fan palm) had many uses. 269
Plate 18b: Palm tree fibre – hammered out of the bark 269
Plate 18c: Lave tree – used to make ritual stick (tsage) put into house for bull festival 269
Plate 18d: Wa'iye tree – used for roofing; was inherited by thaghaya (seventh born). 269
Plate 18e: Haruna prunes my mahogany tree. 271
Plate 18f: Man harvesting from his tree 271
Plate 18g: Old man is moving a dried out tree branch. 271
Plate 19a: Ghalahgala (carpet grass) 274
Plate 19b: Tgija wushile – applied to beans 274
Plate 19c: Za'aghaya grass is for roofing. 274
Plate 20a: Ingredients for magulisa 276
Plate 20b: Rainmaker ties bean. 276
Plate 21a: Dghweɗe landscaped terrain in Ghwa'a 281
Plate 21b: House without thala roof 281
Plate 21c: Dghweɗe House with thala roof 281
Plate 21d: Chikiɗe (left) and Guduf (right) house fronts 282
Plate 21e: Chikiɗe landscaped terrain (2004) 282
Plate 22a: The roof of a house in Kwalika during rainy season 284
Plate 22b: The ruin of a Dghweɗe house showing the base structure of the foyer 285
Plate 23a: Platform leading to the entrance of Buba's house 286