Azaghvana E-Book 2003 - Flipbook - Page 17
List of Plates
Plate 1a: Dzga ethnographic research station 25
Plate 1b: Visitors at the station 25
Plate 1c: Dzga primary school indoors 26
Plate 1d: Dzga school outdoors, with Stella 26
Plate 2a: Islamic teaching facility 26
Plate 2b: Teachings by radical preachers 26
Plate 3a: Funeral in Ghwa'a, with mainly younger local women now in Islamic dress code 28
Plate 4a: Group of bulamas and elders of Korana Basa during my first visit 37
Plate 4b: We do not know which ward we visited that day. John is sitting in the centre front.
Plate 4c: Again we do not know the location in Dghweɗe, but can see John (bottom right). 38
Plate 4d: This is Kwalika and the man in the middle is Chika Khutsa. 38
Plate 4e: Senior rainmaker Taɗa Nzige to the left of John 39
Plate 4f: Taɗa Nzige 39
Plate 4g: Bulama Ngatha of Hudimche to the left 39
Plate 4h: John Zakariya 39
Plate 4i: Zakariya and Ɗga of Ghwa'a together with John 40
Plate 4j: Zakariya & Haruna 40
Plate 4k: Dukwa of Ghw'a, a father of twins, and myself 40
Plate 4l: Ghamba of Ghwa'a 40
Plate 4m: Abubakar of Ghwa'a (with sunglasses) invited us to document his house. 40
Plate 4n: Kalakwa of Ghwa'a also invited us to photograph the inside of his house in 2005.
Plate 5a: View from Fachekwe in Wala, with hillside and valley leading up to Divili 51
Plate 5b: Little lake in Divili on top of Zelidva spur 52
Plate 6a: View of Guduf saddle, Zelidva spur and Gwoza town in western plain 52
Plate 7a: View of Gvoko and Tur heights from Uvagha foothills of the western plain 53
Plate 7b: Bebe (legendary foothill and shrine) of Vile, with foothill of Disa in background 53
Plate 8a: Intramountainous eastern plain photographed with wide angle lens 54
Plate 8b: Eastern plain with Ngoshe, photographed from Divili 54
Plate 9a: View of Kirawa foothill from Ghwa'a, across the eastern plain 55
Plate 9b: View across the eastern plain with Moskota hills and Mora hills in background 55
Plate 10a: View across the western slopes 56
Plate 10b: Terrace platform in Ghwa'a 56
Plate 10c: View from Gharaza during rainy season, with Ziver-Oupay massif in background
Plate 10d: View from Ghwa'a across Dghweɗe towards Gharaza 57