2023 24 Black Pages FINAL 2 - Flipbook - Page 113
and involve the entire community with events, teachings, special guests, and current technology
that helped tell the story about Macon, Georgia.
The Committee thought it appropriate to outline the Bicentennial Plan with a focus on
Signature Initiatives, 12–month history series, Bicentennial Essay and Coloring Contest,
Bicentennial Art Show, the adding of Historical Markers, an Ocmulgee Indigenous Film Festival
and 200 Years of Song and Dance as the Grand Finale. The plan further emphasized the need to
build in sanctioned events with other partnering groups throughout the local community.
As a means to keep the Bicentennial Celebration afloat, the committee recommended a
team of experts from the committee and the community to raise two million dollars with a plan
to set aside funding for the Bicentennial Park as a gift to the city. The Plan further denoted that
donors who made significant contributions of twenty-five thousand and above would have their
names engraved on the walls of the Bicentennial Park forever as a resemblance of their
unwavering assistance.
Due to the long-standing history of Wesleyan College The Bicentennial Committee
sought to organize and fund the development and placement of special historical markers
honoring Black history in conjunction with "Crafting Democratic Futures," a project partnering
with the Lane Center for Social & Racial Equity at Wesleyan College and the Tubman Museum.
These markers will serve as permanent reminders of our history while also having a QR code
that will link to dynamic and additional information for research.
Macon is the place where we have launched our very own Anthem, entitled, “I Love My
City,” by CMD Styles!
“Together We Rise.” “Better Together.” “One of us is never smarter than all of us!”
Dr. Murfree serves as the Bicentennial Commi琀琀ee Administrator.