Telecom News Issue 2 - Flipbook - Page 29
System integration from design to transition
Over 30 Fusion 2020 design workshops have
now taken place, with representatives from
across the Group invited to ensure strong
understanding and widespread input on its
design and build.
M Group Services Business Systems Director
Graeme Cross comments: “We have gone
through due diligence and selected a best in
class system. All the foundation elements are
now in place. The success of Fusion 2020 will
rely heavily on engagement from across the
Group and the project team is working hard
to ensure strong awareness of Oracle Cloud’s
building a house; the blueprint must be right
before we can begin to build. We’ll do this
in the Design Workshops and then, once it’s
built, we’ll use the subsequent Conference
Room Pilot workshops to ‘snag’ and ensure
it fulfils all individual, departmental and
organisational needs.”
Martin adds: “Fusion 2020 is one
of the biggest projects M Group Services has
undertaken so we need to get it absolutely
right. To pick up on John’s analogy, this is our
house and we are going to have to live in it
long after all the external experts working with
us have moved on.”
“The system will enable new efficient ways
of working and should be seen as a people
solution, rather than a technical solution. We
need everyone to be ready to implement the
new business practices and processes we
will collectively adopt. All businesses and
functions have had a voice in the system’s
development and implementation and the
input we’ve received will help to shape the
system and its functionality.”
Change Manager John Pickering adds:
“Fusion 2020 will need expert input from
across the Group. Using the analogy of
Reduced administrative burden - lessening spreadsheet usage and
manual data entry/re-entry | Online access to book holidays, manage
absences and view payslips | Reduced manual effort and duplication
of data entry, less paper and printing | The same look-and-feel across
the whole system, simplifying training and use of the system |
More intuitive business systems to work with | Efficient on
boarding with a good first impression