Telecom News Issue 2 - Flipbook - Page 18
Morrison Telecom Services
Superfast Extension Programme
successfully delivered
The East Sussex Superfast Extension Programme (SEP) was successfully delivered on behalf
of Openreach. This ended three years of successful delivery where we have delivered over
10,000 Total Homes Passed (THP) and approximately 7,000 at Superfast. This performance
has aided Morrison Telecom Services winning additional works for the East Sussex Phase 3
The West Sussex SEP will be closed in July and has been ongoing for the past three years,
in which time we have delivered over 11,000 THP and approximately 8,000 at Superfast.
Ryan Wood and I would like to thank all the Morrison Telecom Services team for their
contribution and efforts. Working alongside the Openreach delivery team and our supply
chain they succeeded and should be proud.
Written by David Koph, General Manager | Morrison Telecom Services
Bereavement charity founded by
Morrison Telecom Services
Project Manager
Morrison Telecom Services Project Manager Martin Brewer and his wife Emma have founded
‘Kitty’s Dream’: a charity with the aim of improving bereavement services at Princess Anne
Hospital in Southampton.
The Midwifery Society (MidSoc)-named charity was founded after their daughter Kitty May was
born sleeping nine days prior to her due date.
So far, three rooms within the hospital entrance have been improved to enhance care and
experience for bereaved families. Emma makes blankets, keepsakes, hairbands and much more
to raise money for the charity.
Martin has been with Morrison Telecom Services for nearly two years and has worked with
Contract Manager Ryan Wood for 25 years. Ryan commends Martin’s outlook on life and
commented: “Even after everything he’s been through, he arrives at work with a smile and
carries out his job with no moaning.”
Please join us in congratulating Martin and Emma as they are soon to be united with their
adoptive children.