M Group Services ESG Report - Flipbook - Page 4
A part of MGroupServices
A part of MGroupServices
A part of MGroupServices
A part of MGroupServices
A part of MGroupServices
A part of MGroupServices
Overview of M Group Services
M Group Services delivers works through a divisional
operating model aligned to the sectors and markets in
which we operate and the clients that we work on behalf of.
Through our operating divisions, works are streamlined
through operating businesses to further enhance our
client focused delivery and to provide safe, reliable
and cost-effective support and solutions.
The statistics used within the M Group Services
Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Report
are a cross-section from the whole Group to
showcase the progress and results we have achieved.
The larger businesses publish their own
ESG Reports which provide greater detail of their
individual success, so please refer to these for
business-specific achievements.
We take pride in sharing a selection
of metrics that we use to measure our
performance. From this we categorise
our ESG contribution through six
common themes across the Group:
Community Engagement; Environment;
Health, Wellbeing & Safety; Stakeholder
Engagement; People and Future Plans.
Each theme will reference the key
United Nations Sustainable Development
Goals (UNSDG’s) and outline where and
how we employ our approach to innovation
to extend and discover new ways of
delivering service to our clients and
society at large.