M Group Services ESG Report - Flipbook - Page 18
Our Passion for Health,
Wellbeing & Safety
The health, wellbeing & safety of our people and all those
who come into contact with our business is a key priority.
Across our Water, Energy, Transport and Telecom Divisions, we seek to embed and
maintain exemplary, Health, Wellbeing & Safety values, practice and performance
– a pre-requisite for the markets in which we work.
Six M Group Services businesses have
received prestigious health and safety
awards from the Royal Society for the
Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA).
The role of innovation:
We find that searching for and finding was of keeping
our workforce and members of the public safe
Dyer & Butler, Milestone Infrastructure,
around our operations has always been a rich source
Morrison Data Services, Morrison Energy
of incremental and larger scale innovation. In more
Services, Morrison Water Services
recent times we also apply the same mindset to the
and M Group Services Plant & Fleet
challenges and achievements seen in mental health
Solutions have all been recognised for
demonstrating the highest standards
of health and safety excellence in their
arena. The innovation ecosystem draws together case
studies and best practice on a regular basis now with
over &&& hours dedicated to sharing both past H&S
innovation achievements and future challenges.
respective sectors.
RoSPA Award Wins
Dyer & Butler receives Order of Distinction, with additional Order of Distinction
awards for Dyer & Butler’s Heathrow Airport and Gatwick Airport teams
(a sixteenth consecutive Gold Award for both), as well as a President’s Award
for its rail team (a tenth consecutive Gold Award) and a first Gold Award for
its highways team
Milestone Infrastructure (Street Lighting) receives Gold Award
Morrison Data Services receives Gold Award
Morrison Energy Services/Morrison Water Services
‘commended’ in Commercial Sector category
Moving forward, we will continue to
M Group Services Plant & Fleet Solutions receives
Gold Medal Award for Fleet Safety
& Safety performance through the
Morrison Telecom Services receives Gold Award
and training programmes, shared
Magdalene receives Gold Award
Avonline Networks receives Gold Award
deliver exceptional Health, Wellbeing
delivery of comprehensive awareness
operational learning and a commitment
to maintain our standards across all of
our operations.