M Group Services ESG Report - Flipbook - Page 15
An innovation ecosystem refers to
a loosely interconnected network of
companies and other entities that
coevolve capabilities around a shared
set of technologies, knowledge, or
skills, and work cooperatively and
competitively to develop new products
and services (Moore, 1993).
Moore, James F., 1993. Predators and prey:
a new ecology of competition. Harv. Bus.
Rev. 71 (3), 75-86
So what is the M Group Services
innovation ecosystem?
In this era of constant change, the way a
From new products, services and client
business delivers value today likely won’t
service delivery models, to the development
be the same tomorrow. Leading companies
of scalable innovation, products, techniques,
recognise the need to continually innovate
and processes, we are building a culture that
in order to meet our client’s needs, create
fosters entrepreneurship. Our innovation
a sustainable competitive advantage and
ecosystem is helping us and our clients meet
drive business growth.
perineal challenges like the cost to serve,
through to emerging ones like delivering
growth while conserving the worlds resources.