225shay“The African American Cultural Center brings together all of the African Americanstudents, and it’s open to everyone on campus to learn about black culture and connectwith minority students. You can come here to learn, discuss things, and even to printor do work here. It’s just a nice community that’s a hub and safespace for students.Everyone is welcome! Through work study I got my own job here, and I’ve enjoyed allthat the center has had to offer. I’ve developed a lot of professional and social skills too.I was nervous at first because I didn’t really like to talk to people. Now I come in andgreet people! Before the pandemic, I’d meet new people here everyday. We’ve workedhard during the pandemic with zoom meetings online, and we’ve had a few peoplecome in every now and then. There’s always someone here for you! Usually people willtell you to look at our resources online, but I extremely encourage people to come insideand see for yourself how to get involved with the center. You can talk to people whowork here and others who have been here for years. There are people in their mastersprogram who still come back here talk to the students. I also suggest that people checkout our social media!”
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