134dead poetAbar formerly associated with Tiger Land now has anew look, age requirement and dress code.Dead Poet, located at 623 E Boyd St., was acquired by newmanagement and now has an age requirement of 23 and acocktail dress requirement.Former Dead Poet Associate Manager Justin Burnett saidhe saw a need for a more elevated nightlife experience inthe Baton Rouge area. While it has been hard to change howpeople view the bar, Burnett said the new look is drawing ina crowd.“People feel that this particular area just needed a placefor grad students or people that just graduated that maystill want to party and socialize in the Tiger Land area thatdoesn’t necessarily feel like they are in Tiger Land,” Burnettsaid.The bar is now furnished with LED lit tables and leatherseats as well as a new VIP section. Where there used to be adance floor, there are now tables and stools.While the furnishings have changed, the murals done bylocal artist Ellen Ogden are still there. The new managementalso added a food menu to accompany the full bar. Eachtable has a QR code to scan for a food and drink menu.“We got inspiration from Chicago, Atlanta and Miami andfelt like there was a void in Baton Rouge that we could fill,”Burnett said.Their new VIP section is currently used for people whocome in with large groups. If the floor is full, large groupscan pay a fee to sit in VIP to ensure the bar is staying sociallydistanced. In the future, the VIP section will be able to bereserved and used for bottle service.Currently, Dead Poet holds events such as BottomlessWine Wednesday and Bottomless Mimosa Sunday. Bothevents have recently changed to having a 21 and up agerequirement to accommodate for a younger crowd in BatonRouge. In the future, Burnett said they hope to be able toexpand their calendar of events even further.“We want to do live music, we want to do Latin nights,we want to do spoken word poetry nights,” Burnett said.“We want to do all types of events that are more eclectic anddiverse socially, but we are just handcuffed as it stands dueto COVID.”Dead Poet follows COVID-19 safety guidelines such ashaving all servers wear a mask as well as patrons until theyare seated. They also have their tables spread out to helpwith social distancing and offer customers hand sanitizer.
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