How Good People Solve Bad IRS Problems - Nick Nemeth - Manual / Resource - Page 65
Remember, too, it’s easier for the IRS to deal with a
closed business because the debt isn’t growing. As
such, they may be more difficult to work with when
your business is open.
That being said, if you can’t pay your payroll taxes —
and the problem is likely to continue — at least consider
closing your business. There’s no sense in dealing with
the stress and adding to your financial problems. The
IRS is relentless with payroll taxes. Conversely, if you
can become compliant with current payroll taxes, then
there are ways to solve your prior payroll tax problems
and keep your business open.
The good news is, if the IRS goes after your personal
assets, you can use the options mentioned in this book.
Which one is best for your situation depends on several
factors. Reach out today and I’ll get you going in the
right direction.