How Good People Solve Bad IRS Problems - Nick Nemeth - Manual / Resource - Page 48
End Your IRS Problems
Chapter 14: How
to End Payroll
Tax Problems
Wow ... it’s amazing how stressful Payroll Tax
problems can be. The IRS takes such a hard line on
the payment of Payroll Taxes that taxpayers suffering
from these problems often have little time, if any, to
try and remedy the situation -once the IRS shows up
to collect.
In Payroll Tax situations, the IRS is not interested in
talking about payment terms. They want all the money
owed to them ... and they want all the money now.
You can only imagine the state of fear this puts
taxpayers in ... especially when you know that every
answer to every question will be used against you.
The IRS Agent assigned to your case is trained to
immediately identify the responsible persons and take
a quick inventory of your assets. So, yes losing your
entire business to the IRS becomes very real during
any Payroll Tax problem.
There are two kinds of Payroll Tax problems: one
for businesses which are still in business and one
for businesses that have closed. Both are dangerous
tax problems to have, and both have inherently
complicated issues that must be overcome to obtain a
favorable outcome.