289HYDRAChrom, Nickel matt, Weiß matt oder Anthrazit • chrome, nickel mat, white mat or anthracite •chrome, nickel mat, blanc mat ou anthracite • chroom, nikkel mat, wit mat of antraciet •cromo, níquel mate, estera blanca o antracita • cromo, nichel opaco,bianco opaco o antracite • crom, nichel mat, alb mat sau antracit •kromi, harjattu teräs, mattavalkoinen tai antrasiitti • chrom, nikiel mat,biały mat lub antracytDeckenleuchte · Ceiling lamp⟷ 65 x 65 cm, ↕ 5 cmincl. SMD-LED, 28 W3.200 lm, 4.000 KDeckenleuchte · Ceiling lamp⟷ 65,5 x 65 cm, ↕ 6,5 cmincl. SMD-LED, 38 W4.400 lm, 4.000 K31 | Weiß matt · white mat4000 K6762403314000 K676240431
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