2023-24 LLL Impact Report - Flipbook - Seite 29
It would not be possible to advance our mission without the generosity of donors and friends of Live
Like Lou. Our programs were powered by donations from 10,578 individuals between July 1, 2023,
and June 30, 2024. Thank you! Your support ensures our vision to leave ALS better than we found it
becomes a reality.
There is nothing that touches us more than receiving gifts in honor and memory of outstanding
individuals. Between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024, the following individuals had gifts made in their
name to Live Like Lou:
Adam Wilson
Agnes Mulligan
Andrew Jahreis
Angel Rodriguez
Ann Marion
Anthony Tallerico
Arnold Stansley
Barry Stein
Ben Hallock
Benyomin Hoffman
Beta Iota
Betty Coslet
Betty Faitella
Bill Fitzpatrick
Blay Bahnson
Brenda Hinesley
Brian Fraser
Cathy Anne Jones
Cathy Eileen Bruno
Chad Deroy
Charles Duggar
Chris Bowers
Chris Bowers
Chuck Kramer
Claire and Cooper
Clarke Jackson
Clayton Kershaw
Dave Armstrong
David Beery and Jim Kiernan
David Odams
Diane Siddons
Dick Zwierlein
Donald Krally
Donna H.
Donna Meager
Doug Smith
Doug Smittle
Dr. William R. Gustafson
Dustin Niemeyer
E Block United
Edward Barney
Edward Kosinski
Elliot Boxerbaum
Eric Witherite
Erin Molter
Evan Ice
Francine Lynch
Gary Glisson
Gene Eckel
Gene Saylor
Gerald McCormick
Gerry Blouin
Grandpa Doug
Grandpa Hunt
Grandpa Tony
Gregg Sonnenfeld
Greyson Geiler
Guy Dunagan
Isaac Barash
Jack Redburn
James and Gerda Pittenger
James Kane
James Koenig
James Milton Nelson
James T Dunn Jr.
James Yeager
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