2023-24 LLL Impact Report - Flipbook - Seite 18
The Live Like Lou Foundation’s work to support the careers of emerging ALS scientists ties our mission
to help move breakthrough ideas through to the next level of funding and advancing ALS research.
“The more you learn about something, the more
interested you are,” shared Stephanie Moon, PhD,
from the University of Michigan, who received Live
Like Lou’s 2021 Career Development Award.
With Live Like Lou’s funding, Dr. Moon was
able to “expand research capabilities by
purchasing large equipment that allows us to do
ribosome pro昀椀ling.” She used ribosome pro昀椀ling
to determine how the stress response differs in
some types of ALS. “We’ve learned how to use
this technique through extensive training that
wouldn’t have been possible without this grant
from Live Like Lou. We had strengthened results
with Live Like Lou’s interests.”
In 2023 alone, we’ve funded $374,000 in
direct support to early-career ALS investigators
(more than $1.8 million since our founding in
This year, we were honored to announce the
recipients of the Live Like Lou Foundation’s 2023
Postdoctoral Fellowship awards. Alexander
Cammack, PhD, from University College London,
and Yifu Han, PhD, from the University of Southern California were selected to receive $75,000
per year in direct funding for up to two years to
pursue a novel, independent, and promising ALS
investigation. This Live Like Lou research grant
aims to support scientists in the early stages of
postdoctoral training at an R1-level institutional
research laboratory.
“We couldn’t be more pleased with both
Postdoctoral Fellowship recipients,” said W.L.
Gray, chairman of the Live Like Lou Foundation
Board of Trustees. “We are eager to see the
outcomes of these awards on the science, and
on both Dr. Cammack’s and Dr. Han’s careers.”