WE ROAR Magazine issue 04 - Magazine - Page 65
6 Money Tips for Neurodiverse People
1- be aware of your triggers, why do you impulse
spend? Is it because you are sad, bored or even
happy. Try tracking your spending for a couple of
weeks and notice the emotion you feel when you
2- create a f5exible budget. Allow for things you
enjoy doing but make sure that you allocate money
to those specific activities. This will help you
eliminate shame around the purchases and will also
help you to regulate the amount you spend.
3- unlink your cards from your phone and pc.
Especially for places where it’s easy to click a
button and buy something like Amazon or
Deliveroo. Putting a barrier between you and the
purchase where you have to physically input your
card details will help you to make more conscious
buying decisions.
4- Delay gratification, keep things in your cart for
48 hours before you buy something, often you will
come back and not need the thing you wanted to
buy impulsively. And if you still want it then follow
5- give yourself a set of rules. When can you
spend? How much, and what the the goal of the
purchase? Ask yourself these questions. Does it
add value to my life? Does it bring me joy? How
long will I use it for? If someone offered me the
same value in cash would I buy the thing or keep
the cash.
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Mad About Money:
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