WE ROAR Magazine April 2024 - Magazine - Page 34
And you talked about privilege, Jennifer... I am an older white
woman in the United States that is privileged because I was
born in the United States. I'm privileged because I'm a light
skin. Okay, so say you have privilege, which, by the way, if
you're watching this, I bet you have some privilege. How are
you using it to help people?
If you are able to watch this video, you're privileged. You are.
You have things. Let's make sure everybody has the right to
watch it and see it and understand and interpret it.
We [need to] save ourselves. Join [Lady Rebel Club®]. Join
Billion Strong! Use the hashtag #WeAreBillionStrong. Let's
come together. Let's fund each other. Let's employ each other.
Let's hire each other. Let's invest in each other. Let's be kind to
each other. Let's accommodate each other. Let's be proud of
our lived experiences!
Well I’d say that you're also very modest, Billion Strong, is a
fantastic mission. We're very excited to be working with you
to have a showcase of it and some people from its
community now each issue. I know It's going to be
wonderful for the readers, too. What are some of the key
projects within Billion Strong that you're working on right
Well, it’s interesting with Billion Strong because I know we
need to gather a company together, but it's hard to fund that
also, especially in a time when everything is so topsy-turvy.
And so we were trying to figure out what were the right
projects to start with. And so the projects we're starting with,
first of all, is inviting people like you and others to be global
advisors. And somebody said to me, What does that mean?
Well, how do you convene a billion people? And the reality is
you are the expert of your own life.