67DDanika Bloom says she spent the firsttwenty-five years of her working life as aghost. Well, a ghostwriter for progressivenot-for-profits—invisible to everyone whohired her. When her client's work vanishedin March 2020, her spirit was drawn intothe world of steamy romance. Now, a USAToday bestselling author, Danika splits herdays between nudging heroes andheroines to fall in love and helping hobbyistwriters become published romance authorsinheronlinecommunity,AuthorEverAfter.com.She says, "I love romance authors, womenwho, like me, are happiest when they don'thave to filter their thoughts. And the skillsI'd developed over almost three decades ofwriting, coaching, community-building, andrunning my own business made it a nobrainer to launch a space to support thepeople I have the most fun around."Author Ever After is an online communityfor romance writers to support each otherin becoming romance authors."Even though romance is the most popularfiction genre, women who write romanceare often dismissed or judged for wastingtime writing "smut" by friends, family andeven other authors who write more"important" books."So, I created AuthorEverAfter.com as asafe and supportive space for women tolearn everything they need to know to indiepublish their passion projects.66"My vision is to be known as *the*community for pre-published romanceauthors to join, a space where they knowthey'll be respected and supported toachieve their romance-writing goals. Mygoal is to support at least 1,000 women todevelopmeaningfulfriendshipsandbusiness relationships with other romanceauthors so they grow their communities."Danika says if she had three wishes, they'dbe, "Wish One: That society wouldrecognize that the work women do isvaluable, even if that work is writing booksthat help other women escape for a fewhours from the daily grind."Wish Two: That people who don't readromance would stop judging it as smut andrecognize that many of these books aresubversive feminist literature where theheroines get to be wounded and imperfect,strong and willfuland still get theirhappilyeverafter."WishThree:That there weremorediversevoiceswritingandpublishingbooks across allgenres of fictionand non-fiction."
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