Ovations Winter 2025 - Flipbook - Page 8
A Celebration of Philanthropy:
A Night of Elegance & Impact
The Kravis Center’s major donors and their guests
attended a special evening on Friday, February 7, in
honor of the Kravis Center’s Founder Members.
Prior to the event, the newest Founder members
were treated to a VIP reception in the lobby of Rinker
Playhouse. All dinner guests enjoyed a welcome cocktail
reception in the Harris Pre-Function Hall before entering
the Gimelstob Ballroom for a three-course dinner.
The dinner, prepared by Kravis Events by Lessing’s
Hospitality Group, was sponsored by Northern Trust
for the 29th consecutive year.
Michael J. Bracci, President, Wealth Management/
East Florida and Mid Atlantic Regions of Northern
Trust, began the evening by welcoming guests and
introducing Kravis Center Board Chair Sherry Barrat.
“You all are our most generous donors, and you mean
the world to us. This gathering is all about you,” said
Ms. Barrat. “Most people don’t realize the Kravis Center is
privately funded; your financial support is the lifeblood
that keeps our engine going. Thank you to the Alec and
Sheila Engelstein Philanthropic Fund and Zelda Mason
for sponsoring the evening’s performance of Riverdance
30—The New Generation following the dinner.”