Ovations Winter 2025 - Flipbook - Page 32
$50,000 to 99,999 (Continued)
Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Rabb
Mrs. Aline Raisler
Norman R. Rales and Ruth Rales Foundation
Bob and Cobey Rapaport
Mrs. Carol Simmons Rathborne
Dorothy H. Rautbord
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reiter
Republic Security Bank
Eleanor Patterson Reeves Foundation,
Mrs. Patricia Myura, President
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ricken
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard H. Ridder, Jr.
Mr. Donald Riehl
David and Leighan Rinker
Carol and Gene Rintels
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Robb, Jr.
Priscilla Rocca
Ms. Constance J. Roeder
Mr. and Mrs. William Donner Roosevelt and
The William H. Donner Foundation
Leslie Rose
Martin W. and Selma Rosen
Sunny and Abe Rosenberg Foundation
Mr. Moe Rosenblatt
Mr. and Mrs. E. John Rosenwald, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosetti
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rousseau
Jan and Lawrence Ruben
Mary Rubloff
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil N. Rudnick
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Saltzman
Dolores Salzman
Irving and Harriet Sands, The Sands
Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Zbigniew Scheller
The Schoch Foundation
Edie and Marvin H. Schur
Mrs. Miriam G. Schwartz, Ph.D.
Ruth and Maurice Schwarz
Diane and Albert Shapiro
Arnold Shapiro and Muriel Abramson Shapiro
in loving memory of Manville H. Abramson and
Dorothy M. Shapiro
Leslie Shaw and Leslie Adams
In memory of Lloyd and Gladys Botsford
Shepard by their son L. Montgomery Shepard
Phyllis and Herbert Siegel
Mrs. Joan Siegel
Sue and Howard I. Simon
Joseph B. and Ann Slatkin
Roslyn and Robert Smith
The Family of E. Payson Smith
Eliot and Ruth Snider
Lillian and Lawrence Somach
In memory of the Songer Family by
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Songer
Mrs. Caroline Sory
Estate of Harold Sparks
Sylvia and J. George Spitzer
Mr. and Mrs. John Staluppi
Steel, Hector & Davis LLP
Hubert and Bitti Steingass
Marjorie Stoll in loving memory of
Lawrence J. Stoll and Lynn Stoll Switzer
Carol Stone
In memory of Morris Stonzek by
Elfriede Stonzek
Marlene and Harold Strauss
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Strauss
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sullivan
Ellen and John Sussman
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Tansky
Norman and Dorothy Tanzman
Ms. Caroline W. Taylor
The Thaler / Howell Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Thomas
Thompson Medical Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Thoresen
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Timmis
Frances B. Todman
Mr. and Mrs. Harold O. Toor
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Traverse
Gerald Tsai Foundation
Mr. Richard D. Tunick
Arno and Gertrud Turklitz
June Ugelow in loving memory of
Leonard Ugelow
Van Cleef & Arpels, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Walsh, Jr.
The Raymond John Wean Foundation
Howard and Molly Weiss
Mrs. Violet Werner
Honorable Hermine L. and Mr. Morton Wiener
The Paul W. Williams Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Harding W. Willinger
Diane W. and Charles L. Wilson, Jr.
Oblio and Barry Wish
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wolpin
Mr. Ronald J. Woods
Benjamin Wunsch
Allen and Carol Wyett
Dan E. Young
Mrs. Helen Yulman