Ovations Winter 2025 - Flipbook - Page 20
(List complete as of December 31, 2024)
Our special thanks to the following individuals, corporations and foundations for their support and sponsorships of Kravis Center programs
and education and community outreach initiatives. Their interest and enthusiasm for the performing arts enable the Center to bring the
highest level of artists and performers to Palm Beach County.
$100,000 AND ABOVE
Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation
Tom and Sherry Barrat
Richard and Mary Lee Bastin
Ricki Gail Conway, The Doris & Stanley
Tananbaum Foundation
Cultural Council for Palm Beach County
Lawrence J. and Florence A. De George
Charitable Trust
Robert L. Epstein Family Foundation
Paul & Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation
Barbara and Jerome Golden
Mr. Kenneth A. Himmel
Mr. William W. Karatz and Ms. Joan G. Smith
Leonard and Norma Klorfine Foundation
Lugano Diamonds
Sondra and David S. Mack
Leni and Peter May
William A. Meyer
Jane M. Mitchell
MLDauray Arts Initiative in honor of Leonard
and Sophie Davis
Suzanne G. Reis Arts Education Fund
Janet Traeger Salz Charitable Trust, Co-trustees
William D. Robbins and Carlyn S. McCaffrey
Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs,
the Florida Council on Arts and Culture and the
State of Florida
$50,000 – $99,999
Roberta and Stanley Bogen
Community Foundation for Palm Beach
and Martin Counties
Alex and Renate Dreyfoos
Sharyn and Stuart Frankel
The JPB Foundation
Irene and Jim Karp
Bill and Marilyn Lane Family Foundation
Mr. Samuel Lehrman
Cathy Kraut Lewis Charitable Foundation
Phyllis and William Mack
Leni and Peter May
Palm Beach Country Club Foundation
Martha Rodriguez, MD and
Jesus Perez-Mendez, MD
J.M. Rubin Foundation
SBA Communications Corporation/Aggie and
Jeff Stoops
Marsha and Jerry M. Seslowe
Sunny Sessa in loving memory of
Leonardo Sessa
The Stanley and Arna Smith Foundation
Ms. Margaretta Taylor
$25,000 – $49,999
Allan and Linda Adelson
Bank of America
Helen S. and Merrill L. Bank Foundation
Danielle and Ronald M. Bradley
Peter and Susan Brockway
Ms. Charlotte Broussard and Mr. Kim Sowers
Irwin M. and Gail Cohen
The Coleman Foundation
Disney Musicals in Schools
Mr. Kenneth M. Endelson
Madeline and Wes Finch
Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation
Arts & Culture Fund of Community Foundation
for Palm Beach and Martin Counties
Ann and Robert Fromer
Danielle and David Ganek
Jim and Judy Harpel
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Mr. Jim Huang Family
Michelle and Joseph Jacobs
Rick and Rosemary Johnston
Gretchen and Jay Jordan
JP Morgan Chase & Co
Henni Kessler in memory of John Kessler
Mr. Amin J. Khoury
Raymond and Bessie Kravis Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Lambert
Lessing’s Hospitality Group, Michael Lessing
Richard B. and Jacqueline Loynd
McMackin Family
Ellin and Bruce Miller
Jack and Goldie Wolfe Miller Fund
The David Minkin Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Newman
Northern Trust
Joel I. and Joan Picket
Michael and Margaret Picotte Foundation
Mrs. Benjamin M. Polayes
Monika and John Preston
Mr. Ronald M. Price and Ms. Trudy Zimmerman
John J. Raggio and
Dr. Donna Kesselman Raggio
Related Ross
Sydney and Elizabeth Ross Family Foundation
Elaine and Larry Rothenberg
The Walter and Lucille Rubin Foundation
Mr. David Sarama
Diane and John Sculley
Martin and Toni Sosnoff
Christine and Bob Stiller
Mrs. Nancy G. Stone
TD Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Byron D. Trott
Mr. Richard D. Tunick
Betsy and Wally Turner
Kathryn and Leo Vecellio
Mr. and Mrs. David Henle
Sara and Charles Fabrikant
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Friedman
Robert and Marjie Kargman
The Laurence W. Levine Foundation
The Lupin Foundation
George J. and Paula Michel
Pamela and Edward Pantzer
Nancy and Jay Parker
The Robert J. Reynolds Family
Mr. James L. Robo and Ms. Meredith Trim
Roger Dean Chevrolet
The Sidney, Milton and Leoma Simon
Ellen and Larry Sosnow
Dan and Mary Stanton
Mandell Weiss Charitable Trust,
Linda and Joseph Satz, Trustees In memory of
Joyce and Arthur Yeckes
Lynn and Robert Zimmer Foundation
$12,500 – $14,999
$15,000 – $24,999
Ann-Britt and Christian Angle
Ms. Sheila M. Applestein
Deborah and Steve Barnes
Steve and Amy Bassett
Eileen Berman and Jay Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Bernick
Penny and Harold Blumenstein
Sandy Bornstein
Michael and Colleen Bracci
The Breakers Palm Beach
Stephen Brown and Jamie Stern
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Castle
The Chastain Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Lorinda Chiang
Bert and Carol Crawford
Julie F. & Peter D. Cummings Fund of the
Community Foundation for Palm Beach and
Martin Counties
Hermine J. Drezner
Mr. George T. Elmore and Ms. Marti LaTour
Alec and Sheila Engelstein Philanthropic Fund
Deborah and Steven Epstein
Patricia and Edward Falkenberg
Dr. and Mrs. Robert and Beth Fishel
Marjorie and Stephen Fiverson
Florida, Power & Light Company
Rona Forstadt
Rick and Lisa Frisbie
Suzanne and John Golden
Allan and Muriel Greenblatt
Nancy and James Grosfeld
Ms. Catherine Adler
Bernstein Private Wealth Management
Mr. David Brodsky
Mrs. Edith Dixon
Marjorie Fink
The Miriam and Alec Flamm
Charitable Fund
Silvana and Barry Halperin
Caroline Harless
Mr. Lawrence Herbert
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Kaufman
Kids’ Dreams, Inc.
Amy and Ron Kochman, Kochman & Ziska PLC
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kozloff