Ovations Winter 2025 - Flipbook - Page 17
(Listings complete as of December 31, 2024)
The Helen K. Persson Society honors donors who make a gift or inform us of a future gift intention to the Center’s Permanently Restricted
Endowment Fund. Donors who have made completed gifts of $10,000 or more to the endowment are recognized on Embrace – the majestic
sculpture installed on The Kravis Family Plaza. Their names are in italics below. For information on the Helen K. Persson Society, please call the
Development Department at 561.651.4320 or email development@kravis.org
Mrs. Dorothy Adler in memory of
Herbert Adler
Mrs. Francis Appleton
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Aquilino
Ilene G. Arons
Merrill L. and Helen S. Bank
Stephen and Janet Barr
Sherry and Tom Barrat
Mrs. Leo M. Beckwith
Ms. Marilyn Zelnick Berman
In loving memory of Molly Forman-Kozel
from Molly Birkenes
Carol M. Birney, in memory of
my husband, Thomas J. Birney
John J. Brogan Family Trust
Estate of Milton Brothers
Larry E. Brown
Mr. Stephen L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Buckley
The Hazel B. Bundy Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Iain Calder
Mr. and Mrs. John Castle in memory of
Alan H. Miller
Carol R. Feinberg Cohen
Irwin M. and Gail Cohen
Community Foundation for Palm Beach
and Martin Counties
Rose Smith Price Cooley
Janet A. Coulombe Trust
Margaret May Damen CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, CAP®
Evelyn Y. Davis Foundation
Sophie and Leonard Davis
Mrs. Arthur Stephen DeMoss
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ephraim Diamond
Margaret C. Donnelley
Renate and Alex Dreyfoos
Diana and Llwyd Ecclestone
Harriett M. Eckstein
Debra A. Elmore/A.K. Consulting
George T. Elmore
Donald M. Ephraim for the
Donald M. Ephraim Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Marshall A. Falk
Rose Faroni
Jack Fein
Caryl R. Firth
Miles and Shirley Fiterman
Leona and Leo Fleur in memory of
Frieda and Louis Cohan
Florida Power & Light Company
Denise and Fred Fox
Maureen J. Gardella
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Gaynor
Marjorie and Mark Gershwind and
Kathy and Mitchell Jacobson in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Jacobson
Dr. Theodore F. Gerson
Denise K. Ghattas, in loving memory of
Aunt Helen K. Persson
Herbert and Elaine Gimelstob
The J. Arthur and Angela Goldberg
Children’s Fund
Dr. Barbara Evans Golden
Barry H. and Elisa R. Goldman
Opportunity Fund
Mrs. Carmen Côté Gollance
Mr. and Mrs. Murray H. Goodman
Marcie Gorman-Althof
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel P. Greenbaum
Peggy and Richard Greenfield
Eileen Ludwig Greenland
Caroline Harless
John D. Herrick
Mrs. Grace E. Hokin
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Howard
Allan M. Huss and Susan Stallard
Robert Janowitz Memorial Fund
Mrs. Justine Harvey Joseph
William W. Karatz and Joan G. Smith
Jeanne and Richard A. Kaskey, in memory of our
beloved son, James Kaskey
Sylvia and Frederick Kenner
Henni and John Kessler
Mrs. Morton Kesten
Kids’ Dreams, Inc. in memory of
Alan Lebow
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Klein
Fruema Nannis Klorfein
Leonard and Norma Klorfine Foundation
Estate of Matthew R. Kornreich
Dr. and Mrs. David I. Kosowsky
Raymond and Bessie Kravis Foundation
The Kravis Center’s Management Staff
Felice and Mervin Kronfeld
Estate of Simone Kruger
Elinore Lambert in loving memory of
my beloved sister Marcia Dolin
In memory of Emma V. Lambrose
Mrs. Blanche S. Levine
Cathy Kraut Lewis Charitable Foundation
Tim and Joan Litle in honor of
Alex and Renate Dreyfoos
Vicki and Arthur Loring
Lisa Lourie
Joseph and Florence Mandel Family Foundation
Morton and Barbara Mandel Family Foundation
Cindy Costello Mandes
Diann and Thomas Mann
Bernard and Chris Marden
Susan Mark
Zelda Mason
Leni and Peter W. May
Carolyn and George Metskas Foundation
Denise and William A. Meyer
Robin Ellen Meyers
John Mike
Harriet and Alan Miller
Jack and Goldie Wolfe Miller
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Mitchell
Jane M. Mitchell
Linh, Ryan and Camden Morrison
Dr. Franklin and Jane Lorber Morrow
Dr. David T. Nash Memorial Fund
Mrs. Clara Nevai
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Newberger
Barbara Suflas Noble
Estate of Viola Odenheimer
Ruth Opotow in memory of Harold A. Opotow
The Frank and Jennie M. Palen Foundation
Estate of Phillip Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Persson, Jr.
Helen K. Persson in memory of Chester E. Borck
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Pledger
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Polayes
Daniel Edward Ponton
Diane Quinn and Keith Freiter
Mrs. Harold K. Raisler
Mr. Douglas P. Regan
Barbara and Irving Reifler
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Robb, Jr.
Martha Rodriguez, MD
and Jesus Perez-Mendez, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Eric F. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Milne Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Rumbough, Jr.
Rose Sachs Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Salmanson
Lynn Joy and Meyer Sapoff
David T. Sarama
Jordan and Thomas A. Saunders III in honor of
Diane Bergner
Priscilla and Richard Schmeelk Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Schott
Leslie and Ronald Y. Schram
Beth K. Schwartz
Mrs. Natalie L. Secoles
Jody E. Sherman
Marilyn J. Siebrasse
Fred and Joan Siegel
Mr. Jody Sklar and Mr. Dana S. Fishkin
Rachel Sommer in memory of my sister
Marcia Leff
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Spitznagel
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Starkoff
State of Florida Fine Arts Endowment
Louise and Michael Stein
Mrs. Rita E. Stein
Christine and Bob Stiller in memory of
Matthew Grennan, Phyllis Grennan Huffman
and Joy Stiller Matthews
Natalie G. Stone
Rosalie W. Stone
Morris and Elfriede Stonzek Endowment Fund
Sandra Thompson
Mr. Bernard Weinstein
Dr. Marcia Robbins-Wilf
Charles R. Williams
The David A. and Shoshanna Wingate
Foundation, Inc.
Lee and John M. Wolf
Arthur and Joyce Yeckes Charitable Trust
Harriet Bogen Yogel
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zeitz
The decision you make to remember the Kravis Center in your will and estate plan is a personal matter. So that we may honor yourintent and
generosity in appropriate ways, it would be helpful to the Kravis Center to have some knowledge of your plans, if you choose to share this
information with us. Please remember the Kravis Center in your will and estate plans.