Kosfeld Fenna Thesis - Flipbook - Page 77
Forming and Mouldmaking with Bone Char
The forming process with
bone-char and gelatin
turned out to be more
dif昀椀cult, as the drying
and sealing conditions
of the surface area, are
very speci昀椀c. The silicone
mould, did not allow airflow, which resulted in an
unproportional amount of
drying time. When dry the
material cracked anddid
not hold its structure ( in
silicone mould). The other
tecnique was pouring it
over a mould and letting
it airdry. That worked well
and the material hardens
super well. Yet regardless
of adding vinegar and
other anto-mold substances the bone-char-gelatin
mix is very vulnerable to
contaminations. .