Kosfeld Fenna Thesis - Flipbook - Page 76
Focus on Bone Biochar with Gelatine as a binder. The experiment stream was separate from the main
material source of wood and grass biochar. The use of bone char and gelatine interests me as it
creates very strong material for various applications. Nevertheless, bone char has signi昀椀cant
micropores and can also be used to fertilise biochar when inoculated with nutrients.
Potential applications for bone char-based material foam packaging, chardboard, alternative brick,
pigment - needs more evaluation and research as material tests all show diverse properties
B i o c h a r
C o m p o s i t e /
B i n d e r
M a t e r i a l
super strong bone-char cube
bone-char plate ( deformed
through drying )
sponge, hard and bendable,
rough and matt surface as
sponge, soft and squishy
S a m p l e