Varndean25 - Flipbook - Page 28
(equivalent to 1.5 A Levels)
(equivalent to 1 A Level)
Criminology is the study of criminality, what the
causes are and how society deals with crime.
This includes studying a range of underreported
crimes and how campaigns can lead to changes
in our criminal justice system. You will be required
to design your own campaign for change on a
particular crime. You will also consider why people
commit crime and whether the range of theories
presented are credible.
The second year of the course looks at the
structure of our criminal justice system and how
effective different agencies are in a criminal
investigation. It is an interdisciplinary social science
subject, drawing from a range of sociological,
psychological and biological discussions as
well as law. Lessons will be varied as per any A
Level subject. You will be required to undertake
independent research during lesson time and to
present your findings to the class.
The course could be studied alongside other
Level 3 qualifications. However, as there is overlap
between the material covered in Criminology and
the material covered in Sociology, Psychology and
Law, it is advised that a maximum of one of these
three subjects is studied alongside.
Standard Advanced Level entry requirements
100% exam and controlled assessment.
The course will challenge you both physically
and mentally and push you to become a thinking
dancer whilst developing strong creative and
technical dance skills. This course promotes
both professionalism and artistry and is excellent
preparation for those wishing to study and train
in dance at higher level. It is also accessible to
anyone with a genuine passion for dance.
The course is an exciting and practical programme
that is assessed via practical internal and external
assessment, coursework and vocational projects.
There will be trips to see a range of performances,
as well as the chance to work with visiting dance
companies and professional choreographers. You
Study, learn and perform a range of work by
cutting edge choreographers.
Learn how to choreograph innovative and creative
work for live performance.
Experience the world of the working dancer
through a range of classes and workshops.
Work together as a professional company
to produce a full-length piece of work that is
performed in a professional theatre space.
Learn about professional practice, develop your
artistic voice, skills in improvisation and gain
audition insights and tools.
Gain work experience, assisting and stage
managing at Let’s Dance at The Dome, Brighton.
Due to the qualification pathway of this BTEC course,
you cannot take BTEC Dance alongside BTEC
Performing Arts. You must choose one or the other.
Standard Advanced Level entry requirements, as well as
proven successful dance experience.
Vocational assignments