Kerfield House - Flipbook - Page 4
A fascinating Georgian house in formal topiary surrounds, for any enthusiastic collectors of furniture and seasoned
heritage homeowners, this property offers a perfectly proportioned example of classical design. Notwithstanding
illustrious guests including Princess Anne and Lord Mountbatten, first and foremost, this is a family home.
Originally built circa 1860 as an L-shaped Victorian villa, the house was made Georgian under the direction of
Percy Scott Worthington who entirely rearranged the interior, squaring up the footprint and adding classical
details such as a parapet to the roof. There are rare and unique pieces of design throughout. For instance, in the
dining room is a George III pine fire surround carved with cupids, circa 1780. The yellow salon is decorated with
de Gourney wallpaper panels, and the oak panelling of the winter room (presumed Victorian) has an element of
‘conceal and reveal’ with a clever folding panel hiding the TV.
Created by Knutsford-based interior design studio Holly Johnson Antiques, each room has individual character. In
the manner of Clive Christian, the kitchen is bespoke. This adjoins a chic TV lounge with mirrored alcoves and a
light-filled breakfast room. The dining room opens to a butler’s pantry, which is handy. Tricked out with attractive
pillars, the elegant staircase in the blue-painted hall is from where everything spans. There are seven bedrooms
in total; five of which are on the first floor and of these, three are en suite. Accessible from the back stairs are an
enclave of rooms, including a library, kitchen, fifth bedroom and bathroom. Continue to the second floor and there
is a self-contained apartment that consists of two bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, lounge, and bathroom. The
icing on the cake? The principal en suite with its 1980s circular bath and mirror-panelled walls. With the beautiful
arrangement of rooms that encircle the entrance hall, the prettiest sun-decked terrace from the main salon, and a
classical-inspired indoor pool, this is a great party house but for everyday family life, it is wonderful too.