UCLA Journal of Radiation Oncology Fall and Winter 2022 - Flipbook - Page 25
patient care--the importance of showing up.
of focus for future research endeavors. Relative
to what we know about managing recurrences
I think this experience encouraged me to
following radical prostatectomy, there is so
approach each patient interaction with a sense of little that is known about how best to manage
humility and respect. We have so much to learn
recurrences following radiotherapy, so I’m
from our patients than we have to teach them. I hopeful that we can make an impact in this
also found this to be true with the teachers and
students I worked with in Indonesia.
As a medical student, I also had the opportunity
On the research side, I think this experience
to work with outstanding health services
really sharpened my focus on asking relevant
researchers through my involvement in
clinical research questions that are both
The Dartmouth Atlas, where we examined
high-impact as well as focused on big-picture
variations in practice and spending in the US
improvements in care that are meaningful for
healthcare system. In residency, mentors like
patients and their families. I have been fortunate Dr. Raldow and Dr. Moghanaki were able to help
enough to return to Indonesia on several
keep these interests alive as well. I definitely
occasions since the Fulbright grant – both as a
see myself remaining involved in health
medical student focusing on health concerns
services research, with a special emphasis
among Indonesian staff at the US Embassy in
on identifying and mitigating disparities in
Jakarta, as well as in residency, where I had the
healthcare and deconstructing barriers to the
chance to focus more on the challenges and
receipt of evidence-based care and clinical trial
opportunities for developing radiation oncology participation.
capacity in low-resource settings. There is a ton
of interest in collaboration between UCLA and
Your newly betrothed also works for UCLA
the national radiotherapy center in Jakarta, and
Health. Do you plan on collaborating clinically
I am excited to see where these collaborations
or academically?
could lead us.
L: She does! She has a PhD in reproductive
science and is a very well-published, world-class
What research endeavors from residency will
scientist. It would be an absolute privilege to
you continue to delve into as a faculty member
collaborate with her in our academic lives! She’s
in the Department of Radiation Oncology?
especially passionate about women’s health
L: I came to residency with a strong research
issues and has research interests in the role of
interest in prostate cancer, which started
the placenta in gestational diabetes as well as
under Dr. Deborah Citrin’s mentorship during
improving cancer therapies for women with
a research year at the National Institutes of
ovarian cancer through her new role in the
Health. Mentors like Dr. Kishan, Dr. Chang, Dr.
Gynecologic Oncology Discovery Lab. We will all
Nickols, and Dr. Steinberg played a key role in
be watching her career with great interest.
nurturing that interest throughout residency.
During my UCLA residency, I was able to
As someone from Eastern Washington, I know
lead a meta-analysis of salvage therapies for
that Spokane does not have the glamour or
locally radiorecurrent prostate cancer with Dr.
opportunity of Seattle. How does a young man
Kishan, and that really motivated an interest in
leap from Eastern Washington to Dartmouth?
developing radiorecurrent disease as an area
L: With a great deal of help and mentorship!