Hayling Herald GolfZoe the golf champ!LAST year turned out to be a goodone for Zoe Gannon of HaylingGolf Club, reducing herhandicap by 10 shots from 26.7 to16.4.Because of this she was verypleased to receive the Hayling Ladies Handicap Reduction Trophy,and the Hampshire Junior GirlsMost Improved Player award.Her season included wins in theHampshire Ladies Junior Springmeeting, held at Hayling Golf Club,and the Hayling, Corhampton, andWinchester College junior opens.Zoe also placed second, second,third and fourth respectively in theRomsey, Brockenhurst, North Hantsand Hockley junior opens.Zoe has really enjoyed competingin these events.Not only the chance to experience the different venues settingsand challenges, but to meet andplay against juniors from across thesouth of England.However, her favourite venueremains her home course at HaylingGolf Club.With its thriving junior and Ladies sections, Zoe and her brotherhave followed their dad and grandfather as third generation membersof the club.Zoe started playing golf sevenyears ago at the age of eight, withthe England Golf initiative, GirlsGet into Golf, which was held onHayling at the Tournerbury GolfAcademy.This was very well supported byHampshire Ladies Golf, where Zoehas continued to move up throughtheir development programme.For the 2025 season, Zoe aims tocontinue to enjoy the sport, to reduce her handicap to single figuresand to be picked to play some representative golf for Hayling Golf Club,and the Hampshire Ladies Juniors. Hayling Golf Club junior player Zoe was triumphant in 2024. Here she is withAnn Bailey, the current Ladies CaptainSHOP SIGNAGEHAYLING SWIM SCHOOLSWIMMINGLESSONSMILL RYTHE JUNIOR SCHOOLParent & Baby / Pre- School ClassesWedding Stationery and SignsIntroducing children to the water at a very young age helps prevent fear of water developing later.The water helps with improving their balance and co-ordination and gives a unique time for parentand baby bonding.(12 weeks - 24 months)Lessons are planned to teach the basic water safety techniques. Increases confidence in the water andgives your child the chance to make friends with others their own age. (2 years - 4 years)Small Group Lessons• Save the Date Cards• Thank You Cards• Invitations• Table Plans• RSVP• Welcome BoardsIt’s never to late to learn!!Whether you’re a beginner or just looking for stroke improvement, the group lesson will give you thesupport and advice need in a sociable environment.• Information Cards• Wedding Timeline1-to-1 LessonsTransform your shop front into a stunning new look! Let us help you design and print afresh, eye-catching display with a variety of high-quality materials to choose from.Window VinylSign TrayClear AcrylicFoamex SignsCorrex BoardsGroup lessons are designed to cater for all ages and abilities from pre-school upwards.The teacherwill plan each lesson carefully to get the most out of your 30 minutes. All strokes are covered withina term.Adult LessonsThis will be a tailored lesson where you will be given my complete attention for the 30 minutes.The teacher will be carefully chosen so you will be working with the right person. Private lessons canoften develope rapid improvement to water skills and swimming strokes.Water Fitness ClassesThis is a low impact and high energy aquatic class that brings fun into fitness. Each class is designedto give you a full body workout using flotation aids and the resistance of the water.(No swimming ability required)Dibond SignTel: 02392 359458 | info@haylingprint.co.ukContact us today and bring your shop front to life!F Hayling Print | www.haylingprint.co.uk02392 35945864 Elm Grove, Hayling Island, PO11 9EFwww.haylingprint.co.uk4464 Elm Grove, Hayling Island, PO11 9EFFor further details contact Sharon07976404795 or haylingswimmingschool@gmail.comHayling Swimming School
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