HH combined Feb 25 JW - Flipbook - Page 39
Feature Hayling Herald
Award celebrations for three
exceptional young Rainbows
Lyra, Evelyn and Sophia are all delighted with their awards after much hard work
By Susan Beevor – Commissioner, Hayling Island
I AM delighted to be able to say that three girls
from Hayling Island’s Rainbow Units achieved
the Rainbow Gold Award at the end of last
This is the highest award members of Girlguiding’s youngest Section (for members ages four to
seven years) can work towards.
Emily Webster (‘Fox’), joint Leader of 2nd
South Hayling (Wednesday) Rainbows said: ‘Sophia, aged seven, was presented her gold award at
the end of last term.
Sophia and young members making their Rainbow promise chose a Sleepover themed evening
followed by an award ceremony so their families
could celebrate this special achievement with
‘We have welcomed several new members to
the unit this term, Sophia has been kind and
helpful and enjoyed showing new members how
to play our favourite games’.
Evelyn Fuller and Lyla McMahon, of 1st West
Hayling (Monday) Rainbows chose to celebrate
their great achievement with members of all
three Hayling Rainbow Units, at their Christmas
Evelyn said: ‘The nature badge was my favourite badge because I love animals and I love our
planet. I’m really proud that I got my gold badge
as I worked really hard.’ Her mum added: ‘Evelyn found the Healthy Mind Badge particularly
challenging – but when she completed it she was
very happy that she managed to do so.’
Lyra explained: ‘I love the group activities,
games and science experiments. My highlights
are the Library Centenary Night, and being part
of the Remembrance Parade’.
Her mum told me Lyra really enjoyed doing
Interest Badges too, especially Storyteller, which
she found inspiring. Congratulations Rainbows –
we are all very proud of you.
Our Division Christmas Fayre raised over
£500, which will go a long way towards supporting more than 100 young members and their
leaders to continue enjoying the fun and friendship Guiding offers.
The Santa’s Grotto is becoming a favourite for
many – with parents now bringing their families back year after year – and Becca Dollery,
who led the group that planned the whole event,
multi-tasking as Santa’s Elf (as usual) on the day.
A huge thank you to all the local businesses that donated raffle prizes – your continued
support is very much appreciated. So here’s a
shout out to Seaview fish and chip shop, Funland,
West Town Inn, Northney Tea Rooms, Doris and
Joy’s Cafe in the Park, Stanley’s Butchers, Beach
Road Garage, Mad Hatters Tea Room, Country
Pets, Cards 4 Occasions, Mike’s Kitchen, Hayling
Hardware, Tesco, Co-Op, New Clothing Company, Bar 18, Grace and Beauty, Louise Dollery,
Island Dreams Ice Cream and Top Cut – you are
all amazing!
Hayling Island Division Rangers have been
working towards their Influence Stage 6 Skills
Builder – concentrating on finding out about,
promoting and fundraising for Guide Dogs.
As part of this, they ran the Cake Stall at the
Christmas Fayre – and were able to send the
£162 profit to the charity. Fabulous job Rangers!
Well done.
If you would like to find out more about Girlguiding please contact me on scbeevor@gmail.
com or 02392 463741.