HH combined Feb 25 JW - Flipbook - Page 36
Hayling Herald
Feel the noise at Christmas
All pictures by Paolo Ferla
By Maggie Shelton
THE thing I love most about the
Community Christmas lunch is
the noise.
It starts as a low rumble then
erupts into noisy chatter when all
the guests are seated. Knowing the
alternative for most is a day of solitude makes it all the more welcoming.
The only time the hall falls quiet is
to enjoy a lovely three-course lunch,
prepared by a team of pretty amazing helpers led by Andy Lewis.
Next comes the tombola. The
noise goes up a notch with added
laughter, shouting and clapping
and finally it’s a sing-along and still
they’re going strong. Then it’s time
for the guests to depart and as they
leave slowly the noise fades and
then its gone. But luckily it lingers
in my mind for months to come.
We are so lucky to have a community that cares and supports others
in so many ways. Grateful thanks to
the following for continual funding:
Ahmerra Door Solutions Ltd
Daren Ford
Hayling Island Lions
Hayling Property
Goods, gifts and support
Alan Rea Butchers
Animal Magic Pet Shop
Barratts Shop Repairs
Best One
Coop Funeral Care
Ferryboat Inn
Final Straw Foundation
Full Bloom
Fun Land
Grady’s Family Funeral Directors
Hayling Barber Shop
Hayling Glazing and Conservatories
Hayling Garage
Hayling Hardware
Hayling Island Community Centre
Hayling Plus
Hayling Print
Hickman and Son
Islay Bay
Jewsons Hayling Island
Lewmar Ltd
Mad Hatters Tea Room and Gift
News Boutique
No 1 Shop
Northney Tea Rooms
Ollie’s Coffee
One Stop
Premier Shop
R J Morris Jewellers
Terracotta Gift and Pot Shop
Tesco Express
The Maypole
The Salon Company
Three Beans
United Reform Church
V J Convenience
Warner Lakeside
Whistler’s Fine Fish and Chips
Plus numerous personal donations
and funding
The wonderful people who prepare
the hall. The fantastic helpers in the
kitchen, the hall and those providing
Last but not least special thanks goes
to Hayling Island Darts League
Andy Lewis
Eddie Clarke
Julie Dean
Marilyn (Maz) Pullen
Sandra Triston
Sophie Costas
Wishing you all a happy and healthy
new year!