HH combined Feb 25 JW - Flipbook - Page 17
Community update Hayling Herald
Hayling Lions: We are here to serve
By Nick McCormick
AS memories of Christmas and new
year begin to fade we look forward to
the lengthening days and the promise of
Christmas was a busy time for Hayling Lions including of course chaperoning Santa
during his annual visit to our island.
As ever, Islanders were extremely generous and a fine sum was raised for local
groups, charities, organisations, associations and our Island’s deserving causes.
A very big ‘thank-you’ to all who so generously donated. As we go deeper into 2025
we have many exciting opportunities and
challenges ahead of us.
Hot off the press is the news that our
Island’s Health Centre has asked if The
Lions are planning a further prostate cancer
screening event this year. Our previous
event no doubt put many minds at rest as
well as raising warning flags where needed.
This is something we will look into.
As spring approaches we will be able
to enjoy the benefits and beauty of Lions’
daffodil planting around our Island with a
wonderful display of these brave blooms as
they trumpet in the warmer and brighter
Hayling Lions are here to serve and a vital
part of providing that service is achieved
by funding raised by the tireless and selfless
work of our stalwart band of volunteers
who run our charity shop in Elm Grove.
Hayling Lions are delighted to announce
that our new manager, Lion Tina Parslow, is
excited to be settling in to her new role.
Our stock of pre-loved items and fashions
is constantly changing owing once again to
the unswerving and incredible generosity of
our Island community.
Please remember that if you are looking
for that new spring or perhaps summer
outfit the Lions’ charity shop is there to
provide not only inspiration but also a bargain whilst helping and assisting the whole
All monies raised by Hayling Island Lions
Club are spent here on our Island. If you
would like to join and enjoy life as a Lion
please don’t hesitate to visit out facebook
Dedicated Lions collecting at Christmas
page or alternatively pop into our shop.
Hayling First Responders
By Becky Whipp
WE recently read an article in
the Herald which questioned
how some of our local youngsters spend their free time and
called for more young people
to get involved with voluntary
organisations to help their communities.
With this in mind we would
like to give a shout out to Grace
Allen and Josh Dibley who are
both great ambassadors for the
young adults on Hayling.
Grace and Josh both joined
Hayling First Responders whilst
still teenagers. They have given
up their own time to complete
their training, attend weekly
meetings and participate in community awareness events.
On top of this they volunteer
for at least five hours a week,
responding to local medical
Josh and Grace have now both
turned 19 and continue to give
up their time to help their local
community, often signing on for
evening shifts to work around
their normal daytime jobs.
Both eventually aspire to train
as full time practitioners with the
ambulance service.
We would like to celebrate
these two young and enthusiastic
members of our team by sharing
their achievements with the rest
of Hayling.
We feel incredibly proud to
have them as part of our team
and hope that the community
shares our pride.
They are definitely shining examples of young people putting
Young volunteers Grace and Josh give up their time to help Islanders
their community first.