HH combined Feb 25 JW - Flipbook - Page 16
Hayling Herald Community update
u3a: Myths and legends of the theatre
wonderful and the most bizarre theatrical superstitions, myths and legends.
Don’t miss it at 2pm on Thursday, February
20th in the Community Centre.
Hayling Huggers ukelele band tops £3,000 for
The Hayling Huggers Band, which started off life
as a u3a group for beginners, has been performing since about 2011. Supporting small events at
first they chose to raise money for Naomi House
and Jack’s Place, a children’s hospice that Avril
Keyes, the leader and originator of the group had
connections with.
We were delighted when earlier in the year the
hospice wrote to us and sent a colourful receipt,
which can be seen in the photo, thanking us for
raising an incredible £2.977.81.
Since then we have played at the Rowans
Christmas Fayre, and the Havant group who
have macular degeneration, and their donations
have raised the total collected to £3,059.86.
By Alan Bartlett of Hayling u3a
DON’T say M……., it’s ‘The Scottish Play’.
The speaker this month is Wayne Newport, a
professional actor and theatre historian, who has
a passion for everything to do with the theatre.
His greatest love is pantomime and the earliest
memory he has is of being taken to Cinderella at
the age of four. He was hooked, and has played
many roles but most recently has enjoyed being
King Rat in Dick Whittington.
Wayne says by way of an introduction: ‘There
are many superstitions, myths, legends, whatever
you want to call them, associated with the theatre. We probably all know at least one, but do
you know their origin or what that really means
for those of us who work in the industry. For
example, what does this iconic line lead to in the
theatre, ‘Double, double toil and trouble; Fire
burn, and cauldron bubble’?
Wayne will take us on an illustrated talk
through some of the most common, the most
Hayling Holiday Lunches
By Sarah Smith on behalf of the Hayling
Holiday Lunches team
WRITING these articles a month ahead really
brings home the ongoing nature of our project.
We are just now recovering from the
Christmas holiday deliveries which involved a
lot of chocolate!
Thank you to all who donated – with around
200 children spread over 11 rounds we were
able to give every child an item, invariably a
selection box, plus some extras.
We would emphasise that we do not spend
money donated for food on chocolate but
many people gave to us for that purpose –
thank you to the u3a in particular.
We will now be thinking of the half term
delivery so please keep your donations of
the usual grocery items to the Co-op in Elm
Grove, the Lions shop and Ruby’s as well as
our door step.
We are very short of bags again. When we do
just one delivery there is not the opportunity
to return the bags though they can be brought
to 18 Chichester Avenue.
In particular a lot of the borrow bags are still
out there – it’s good if they are being used but
if not please return them along with the plastic
bags which are still in circulation.
We need 190 bags per delivery. Thank you
everyone who supports this project in any way.
Hayling Fundraising
Support Group for Rowans
By Barbara Beck
THE Hayling Fundraising Support Group for Rowans
finished 2024 in style, with great good fortune.
Our December coffee morning raised a splendid
£174.74, and we thank everyone who came along to
support us at such a busy time.
We were especially delighted to receive some fantastic donations - and we thank The Trefoil Guild for
their £50, the residents of St Herman’s Estate for £100
and £100 from The Wedge nursing home as a ‘thank
you’ for the treats made specially for them.
These extra funds enabled us to transfer another
£1,000 to Rowans making a total of £5,000 for this
financial year. Huge thanks to everyone who made this
possible by supporting us in 2024.
Our next event will be a coffee morning on Saturday,
February 15th at the URC Small Hall, Mengham, starting at 9.30am. We look forward to seeing you there.